Preparation of Solutions
Description of how marine salts were mixed and what equipment was used. Direct quote from the S-15™ Report™ Equipment: 1 – Container and paddle for preparing solutions: A six gallon…
Synthetic Sea Water Vs. Synthetic Sea Water
Hobbyists and Dealers: Synthetic Sea Water vs. Synthetic Sea Water Water Quality Starts with Your Water™ – A good synthetic sea salt will at least approximate the major, minor…
How to Judge a Good Marine Salt
A good marine salt is the first and most essential requirement for a successful marine fish or reef aquarium. The majority of marine life sold to hobbyists…
Salt Water Aquarium Fish Keeping
A fantastic hobby with many challenges. From the reef to your aquarium. What a trip. Marine fish come from the tropical oceans of the world. They are subjected to…
Trickle Filters, still the Best
BI OX® is specifically designed for bio-filters. It increases dissolved oxygen, removes harmful gases and cultivates maximum essential nitrifying bacteria. BI OX ® BI OX® dramatically increases the carrying…
Quarantine. Disease Control. Copper Sulfate
QUARANTINE All new arrivals should be placed in a quarantine tank for minimum of 21 days. This allows you to observe your new pet and check for any signs of…
The Fish Store
The Fish Store6109 Roosevelt Way NESeattle, WA 98115206-522-5259Over 2300 sq. ft. loaded with magnificent fresh water tropicals and rare colorful marine fish and reef invertebrates.The Fish Store1410 156th NEBellevue, WA…
FAQ about Saltwater & Reef Aquariums – Part 1
Q: I want to provide the best possible conditions for my captive ocean pets. With so many marine salts being promoted, how do I know which ones resemble natural seawater…
International Report – Red Sea Region
MARINE AQUARIST™ Mid East correspondent Dr. Hameed Al Alawi, Ph.D. in Marine Biology and Advisor Committee member OFI. Dr. Al Alawi is the creator and director of Bahrain Waterlife Centre.…
The Importance of Magnesium
Three marine salts. Each with the proper amounts of Magnesium.Magnesium is a major component in the composition of synthetic seawater. At a specific gravity of 1.026/35 ppt @ 78ºF/25ºC there…