BIO-SEA® Marinemix
The world standard benchmark marine salt formulation for scientific research.
BIO-SEA® is chosen whenever a true seawater pollutant-free culture medium is required.
BIO-SEA® is a homogenous blend of all of nature’s 78 elements, minerals & ions.
BIO-SEA® mixes quickly into an optically clear, pollutant-free culture medium without residue.
As in the ocean, multiple forms of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfate, sodium, and other components are employed for vastly superior results.
All major components are either USP or ACP-grade ingredients. ACP grade ingredients are those manufactured specifically for Aqua Craft Products®.
BIO-SEA® Marinemix, as are all other Aqua Craft Products® marine salts the most consistently correct formulations available.
BIO-SEA® contains all 78 elements, minerals, and ions found in NSW in similar proportions.
All major & minor components are either USP or ACP grade ingredients. ACP grade ingredients are those manufactured specifically for Aqua Craft Products®. All trace elements, ions, and minerals are analytical reagent grade.
BIO-SEA® Marinemix, as are all other Aqua Craft Products® marine salts the most consistently correct formulations available.
BIO-SEA® Marinemix is available in 25 US gallon, 50 US gallon, 150 US gallon & 8000 US gallon sizes.
BIO-SEA® Marinemix is an ACP Serie A formulation.
For users that wish to use small amounts of salt water and prefer Marine Environment® dual-phase formula results, we suggest using BIO-SEA® and Marine Environment® Supplements.
The Marine Environment® Little Bottle is available as Marine Environment® Supplements in 16-ounce and 1-gallon sizes for those who wish to use a one-step salt.