The REEF SYSTEM encompasses all proven essential additives required to maintain a variety of successful marine fish or reef aquariums.
The key to selecting various additives is to first employ a true sea water formula. BIO-SEA® Marinemix is that formula.
Various REEF SYSTEM additives or supplements can be selected to create the ideal environment for captive marine animals or species specific aquariums.

The REEF SYSTEM items shown are in the 8 ounce/240 ml size. Each 8 ounce bottle treats 1000 US gallons. REEF SYSTEM items are also available in 1 US gallon/960 ml size. REEF SYSTEM items are formulated with analytical reagent (AR) compounds. Contents are accurately listed on each REEF SYSTEM item. Each REEF SYSTEM item is bio-active and will not alter pH.
STRONTIUM + MOLYBDENUM: Strontium and molybdenum have a natural interaction with calcium. Reef corals, anemones, and various forms of sea life absorb strontium and molybdenum faster than other elements. It is essential to periodically replenish these fundamental elements in the closed system. Each cap full (6cc) will add 0.5 ppm of strontium and 0.00125 ppm of molybdenum to 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp. gals.) of water.
REEF IODIDE: Iodide is essential for the growth of all corals. Iodide is fundamental to proper Redox potential. Iodide is consumed by a variety of corals and can also be removed by protein skimming and contact with carbons and some filter resins. It is essential to: a) use a marine salt that contains bromide in order to allow captive marine pets to metabolize iodide. See Importance of Bromide. b) replenish this basic ion in heavily stocked coral reef tanks. Each cap (6cc) will add 0.004 ppm of iodide to 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp gals.) of water.
AQUA CAL: Calcium is essential for the growth all marine fish and coral reef aquariums. Calcium is utilized by corals at a higher rate then other captive marine pets. Calcium should be maintained at 400 ppm in marine fish and 450 ppm in coral reef aquariums containing both hard an soft corals. Each cap (6cc) will add 10 ppm to 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp gals.) of water.
AQUA CAL is formulated with several forms of bio-available calcium. This is not calcium hydroxide (kalkswasser). Calcium hydroxide is a caustic and dangerous product to handle without the use of face, eye and skin protection. The more calcium hydroxide added to the marine aquarium, the faster the pH buffer is worn down. Calcium hydroxide limits are evidenced by a rapid decline in pH. AQUA CAL will not alter pH and does not contain any harmful, caustic or dangerous components.
TRACE ELEMENTS w/gel conditioners: Trace elements are essential for all living creatures. Trace elements are consumed by captive marine pets during their normal metabolic process. Trace elements can be removed by biological filtration, protein skimming, contact with activated carbon and filer resins. TRACE ELEMENTS w/gel conditioners will not alter pH and does not contain phosphates or nitrates. One cap (6cc) should be used for each 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp gals.) of water. This should be added each 4-5 days, depending on the bio load of your marine aquarium.
BIO-ELEMENTS: BIOLOGICAL-ELEMENTS are essential for all forms of marine life. Biological elements are used up by all marine fish, invertebrates and reef corals during their normal metabolic process. BIO-ELEMENTS provide the essential elements to stabilize and maintain a healthy marine aquarium. Biological elements are removed by normal biological filtration, protein skimming and contact with carbon and filter resins. Biological elements must be replaced on a regular basis. The more marine fish and reef corals on display, the more biological elements should be employed. One cap (6cc) should be used for each 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp gals.) of water. This should be added each 5-7 days, depending on the bio load of your marine aquarium.
CORAL REEF & MARINE FISH VITAMINS: Vitamins are essential for the positive growth, development and color of marine fish and reef corals. Vitamins are believed to essential to help safeguard all captive marine organisms against possible stress and disease resulting vitamin deficiency. Vitamins are not found in the majority of commercially available foods. It is highly recommended that CR&MFV be added to all foods offered to marine fish and reef inhabitancies. It can also be added directly into the aquarium. One cap (6cc) should be used for each 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp gals.) of water. This should be added each 4-5 days, depending on the bio load of your marine aquarium.
GREEN: This is a macro-algae micro nutrient additive with calcium. Green algae and sea plants condition saltwater aquariums. It offers captive marine life a natural source of food, maintains proper pH and increase essential dissolved oxygen. Macro-algae nutrients are removed by various forms of aquarium filtration, contact with carbon, resins, protein skimming and high amounts of ozone. One cap (6cc) should be used for each 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp gals.) of water. This should be added each 4-5 days, depending on the bio load of your marine aquarium.
HYDRO-SAFE: HYDRO-SAFE is a MUST for all marine aquariums. This is a multipurpose marine fish and reef aquarium conditioner. HYDRO-SAFE removes chlorine, destroys the chloramine bond with toxic ammonia and detoxifies heavy metals found in tap water. HYDRO-SAFE provides protective colloids and electrolytes and makes newly mixed marine salts safe for the introduction of marine fish and delicate reef invertebrates. HYDRO-SAFE reduces stress and aids in maintaining the protective slime coating found on all healthy marine fish. HYDRO-SAFE should be used when establishing all new marine aquariums, when making water changes or introducing, acclimating or shipping all marine pets, and during treatment for disease. HYDRO-SAFE does not contain artificial thickeners, phosphates or nitrates. One cap (6cc) should be used for each 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp gals.) of water. This should be added each 4-5 days, depending on the bio load of your marine aquarium.
MACROALGAE IRON ADDITIVE: Green algae and sea plants condition salt water aquariums, offer captive marine life a natural source of food maintain proper pH and increase dissolved oxygen.
The difference between MACROALGAE IRON ADDITIVE and GREEN is MIA is composed of iron and various trace elements, vs. organic elements in GREEN. One cap (6cc) should be used for each 25 US gallons (95 L/20.8 Imp gals.) of water. This should be added each 4-5 days, depending on the bio load of your marine aquarium.
INVERTEBRATE APPETITE SUPPLEMENT: Reef invertebrates require a variety of naturally occurring substances to stimulate their appetite in captivity. Some marine fish and many reef corals, invertebrates, may not metabolize all the nutrients offered in standard aquarium foods.
INVERTEBRATE APPETITE SUPPLEMENT stimulates the appetite of corals, sponges and various invertebrates. It then helps them to metabolize nutrition offered. IAS should be offered about 10 minutes prior to feeding. One cap (6cc) should be used for each 25 US gallons (95 L / 20.8 Imp gals.) of water. This should be added each 4-5 days, depending on the bio load of your marine aquarium.
 BUFFER + dKH Generator This is the safest and best way to control pH in all marine aquariums This uniform sized powder dissolves completely and quickly as it automatically adjust and maintains pH to 8.3.
Even from tanks that have a pH from pH 7.0 to pH 10. It is formulated with several types of carbonates. It will control dKH without using potentially harmful borate or boron. It also adds essential calcium.
Using a marine salt that varies from batch to batch, or is chronically low in major or minor ions or is contaminated is unsuitable. Poor quality marine salts should be avoided. No supplements can make bad water good. Check this site and review the marine salt you now use. Compare. Do not compromise.